There were almost 1,000 participants from 48 nations at the annual EMEA launch of the OSIsoft User Conference, which took place in Berlin from 26 to 29 September. The motto of the “Transform your World” conference summarizes the industry’s efforts to create the necessary steps on the path to industry 4.0 based on the PI system – OSIsoft’s real-time infrastructure.

There were 42 presentations in 6 sectors, whereby the selection was naturally influenced by our preferences and expertise. In any case, I had the impression that our expertise in energy management and industry 4.0 – production-optimization continues to have great market potential. It was especially good to see the above-average functional coverage on the market of the products we presented. These were, among others, our energy management “EnergyCenter”, our production information system MES + LIMS + Shiftmanagement “SynergyVision.”
A big thanks to all our customers, who also presented their projects, strategies and concepts. As always we were delighted to have the opportunity to support them. All the presentations can be viewed on the OSIsoft website.


As many of you know, it was our first time to present our products at our own stand. The experience was great in many respects.
Seeing our work and products being appreciated by the conference participants and potential customers was very satisfying. Furthermore, being able to rise to the challenge of fielding a team that is more than able to present the results of their own hard work was equally satisfying. Eight employees (Claudia, Severin, Ansgar, Thorsten, Tobias², Julian and Kai) represented our company excellently and presented our product range to approximately 70 visitors at our booth.
Last but not least, we would like to congratulate our developer team, Ansgar Backhaus, Tobias Heying and Julian Weber, for their success in taking second place in the 24h OSIsoft Hackathon.


We are looking forward to the next EMEA User Conference 2017 in London. Until then we would like to send greetings to all from Cologne!

Best regards,

Kai Weber