Migration PI ProcessBook Displays to PI Vision

After more than 25 years, OSIsoft PI ProcessBook, and with it one of the long-time leading faces of the PI System, is retiring. This paves the way for increased development of PI Vision. A lot has happened since the introduction of PI Process Book. Technology, mobility, scalability, and collaboration have evolved beyond what PI ProcessBook can offer. OSIsoft has actively worked and invested in PI Vision to provide our customers with a next generation modern visualization experience.

We recognize that advanced planning is critical to your operation. The PI ProcessBook will go through several phases as it is retired, the first of which is listed below:

  • End of all sales: Dec. 31, 2021
  • End of security updates: Dec. 31, 2022
  • End of support: 12/31/2024

For more details on OSIsoft’s software and support deployment terms, please refer to the SLA and SRP documents you signed.

We support you

We are here to support you and make this transition. Our team of certified PI System Specialists will move your system completely to PI Vision. All displays created in PI Process Book will be retained. Of course, all Process Book displays enhanced with self-developed VBA code will also be ported to the modern web environment of PI Vision. With the Werusys PI Vision Suite, countless new diagram types are available to you and customised solutions are also developed for you.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Werusys team if you need additional resources to learn more about PI Vision and a migration schedule that makes sense for your organisation.

PI Vision 2020

COVID19 has permanently changed the way we work. Remote working is more important than ever. It is essential that workers can check all relevant metrics remotely. This distribution of users across a variety of environments is a major challenge for IT staff. With us and PI Vision 2020, we can meet this challenge together with them.

The now newly released version of PI Vision is a more comprehensive and robust platform than ever before. It meets all visualization requirements of modern industries. The enhancements provide users with more tools to get a firm grip on their data and make decisions based on it. PI Vision 2020 makes it easy to monitor and build displays from any device and from any location.


PI Vision 2020

Support multiple time ranges in one display

Displays are no longer limited to a single time range! Monitor process health in the context of productivity over the last day, week, or month – all in one convenient display.

Usage reports for displays

PI Vision administrators can now quickly determine which displays offer the most value to their end users.

Collaborative displays

Seamlessly share screens and collaborate across your organization.

To name just a few of the most important new features. In addition, there are nearly 20 enhancements to improve the usability of trends and multistates, as well as enhancements to the PI ProcessBook to PI Vision migration experience that make the transition easier than ever.

PI Vision Energie Germany

PI System Service and Support

Direct contact with PI System experts

Official OSIsoft Partner

Customized solutions

PI Vision Suite

Customers also rely on us to guide them in PI system architecture and provide reliable PI system support. We pride ourselves on knowing each customer, their sites, applications and processes. Therefore, we help and support at the system integration level, including custom solutions and integrations.



PI Vision Suite

Custom PI Vision Controls

Regular Updates

PI Vision High-Availability

Influence on the next controls that will be added to the PI Vision Suite

We offer various products for the OSIsoft PI system. In addition to various services, this also includes our PI Vision Suite. With the help of the PI Vision Suite, you receive new PI Vision Controls or PI Vision Symbols, which can be installed directly in PI Vision and then easily inserted into the already existing PI system and can be created and configured directly in the browser like the standard models.

If the PI Vision Suite is not sufficient for you, we will develop customised PI Vision Controls for you and add them to the PI Vision Suite.

Your advantages of the subscription

  • Regular updates
  • All controls are adapted to your PI Vision version and kept up-to-date.
  • Influence on the next controls to be added to the PI Vision Suite

In today’s world, mobility counts more than ever. That’s why we’re happy to support you on your way to replacing PI Process Book.

