Your matching Seeq Use Case
You want to learn more about Seeq and see how we can support you in driving digitalization in your business?
On the Seeq portal you will find a lot of use cases from customers, where you can see if you can find similarities to one of your use cases. We are happy to support you in implementing any use case and accompany you on your way to a digitalized business.
As a certified Seeq partner we are able to integrate the Seeq system.
Beratung und Kontakt
Für weitere Informationen und ein Beratungsgespräch kontaktieren sie uns einfach:
Institut für angewandte Systemanalytik und
Industrieinformatik GmbH & CO. KG
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 40
50672 Köln
Tel.: 0221 97 03 48 – 0
Fax: 0221 97 03 48 – 48